Veteran actor Om Puri, who did some of the iconic roles and was always outspoken has passed away. Om Puri was one of those actor who was featured in mainstream Hindi, British, Pakistani and Hollywood.
He had received an OBE as well as Padma Shree, the fourth highest civilian award. Some of his famous movies include Bhavni Bhavai, Sadgati, Ardh Satya, Dharavi and Mirch Masala.
His sudden demise has shocked the film industry and his fan alike, who tweeted to express their condolence. Om Puri ‘s industry Colleagues Anupam Kher, Shoojit sarkar have twetted their condolences. Many took social media to express their grief.
We are shocked to know that the immensely talented actor Om Puri passed away.. Gone but never be forgotten #RIPOmJi #Zorkamart
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